Hello again :) Quick back to back updates. This looks different because I moved to a new email platform.
I hate reading emails that are slowly, obviously building to a sell. So to not bury the lead, I’m going to start monetizing. Nothing is changing about the content I already create though. I will continue sharing as I do and it will remain free :) If you are interested in supporting me and my content, read on. I’ll keep it short.
If you’re already down to support, you can upgrade here:
What we have built together on Instagram is special. There aren’t many places on the internet that are as supportive, open, and vulnerable. I think at its core, we help each other feel seen and understood by sharing our stories honestly. It’s deeply human and has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life.
Content hasn’t been my #1 priority this year. Building apps was my priority in the first half of the year and helping my dad had been my priority since. I want to make content + this community my priority. I’m really excited about what we could do.
Monetization / income makes that possible for me. It gives me breathing room in life, gets me out of short term thinking, and aligns my goal of building something that gives me control over my time with focusing on what we’ve built.

I much prefer your direct support over sponsored content. I’ve considered sponsored content for a while. It can be done thoughtfully, but it can also be an engagement trap.
There are two ways you can support me. The first is through this “newsletter”. That is my preference. I have a bunch of new content ideas I’m going to try here. I want you to be a part of those experiments. As a paid supporter, you’ll have access to all of that content. More on this below.
The subscription is $9 / month or $90 / year. You can cancel at any time. There’s a third tier if you want to support me even further. You can upgrade here:
And thank you to those of you who found this by chance and subscribed without context. It’s intimidating to do this, and your support has helped me get over that hump.
You can also support me on Patreon here. I set this up in case you want to support me without getting additional emails (or any other reasons).
Having said all that… don’t feel pressure to become a paid subscriber. Life is expensive and subscriptions can get old. I’m grateful that you read or watch anything I share and, again, nothing is changing about the content I already share.
the first content idea
I’m going to start by answering questions that dive deeper into my life, emotions, and thoughts. The answers will be sent out via email just like this one. Many of my favorite conversations happen in DMs and start with questions. I think others would enjoy reading and contributing to those conversations. Answering these questions via email is a way to push them into the open.
Here are a few examples (caveat: I wrote these before my dad died in case it feels like my answers ignore that):
What is bringing you the most joy in this season of life? (free)
What is your back up plan if your business doesn't work? (free)
What encourages you to be authentic in your everyday life? (paid)
Have a question? Anyone can ask one here, but most answers will only be sent to paid subscribers.
I also want to collaborate with you more. It can be lonely to come up with ideas, record them, and share them by myself. One consequence of that is I talk about a pretty narrow swath of my life. For example, I haven’t made a video about dating or relationships. I think this will be more fun for me (and hopefully for you).
future content ideas
Honestly, this is all an experiment. I want to connect with my people, help others connect with theirs, learn from each one another, and enjoy ourselves along the way.
I’m not even set on writing. I want to try YouTube. Maybe do a podcast and talk with people. Maybe do a book club. Maybe even host in person events. I’m not sure. I don’t know what this will look specifically long term. I am going to try things, pay attention to what feels right, listen to your feedback and adjust.
what I’m feeling
When it comes to this aspect of my life I feel:
There is so much potential here. It feels aligned with who I am and what I want to focus on in this phase of life.
nervous and scared
It’s one thing to create content for free, it’s a whole other thing to ask for financial support. I swing between feeling totally delusional to think someone would want to support to feeling there is an opportunity to create something really special here.
When I started sharing publicly, I said I was going to build 12 apps in 12 months. Eight months later I have the skeleton of one app that never worked well. I feel embarrassed for not following through on that goal. There’s a voice saying “this is why you aren’t successful”, “this is why you aren’t where you want to be in life”.
Goals can be fodder for self criticism. I set those goals for myself. It’s okay, and expected, that they will change. This is just part of the process of trying new things.

Alright, that’s it for now. Much more to come. Any questions? Feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading.
- Grant
I am six months into my career break and I didn’t do any of the things I wanted to do. Some due to health issues but instead of beating myself up I’m trying to be extra compassionate towards myself. It’s hard.