Hello! Thank you for being here. I’m Grant. I lost my dad, lost my job, got out of a 6-year relationship, and moved in with my grandma in the span of two years. I am building the life I want and sharing that journey publicly.

My 30th birthday with my mom and dad

I also share my life in 90 second clips on Instagram and TikTok. This is an extension of the videos I share. For those of you who are new, here is the first video I posted:

What do you write about?

I write about the marrow of my life. I share what I am feeling and thinking in the moment. A few of my popular pieces:

paid vs free subscriptions

Thank you for even considering subscribing. First, you can subscribe for free. I get life is expensive and paid subscriptions can get tiring.

You may enjoy being a paid subscriber if any of these resonate with you:

  1. You enjoy the content I post on Instagram and TikTok

  2. You connect with people through vulnerability

  3. You are navigating changes in your life

  4. You just want to support me :)

Paid subscribers get all my writing.

Free subscribers will get access only to my periodic life updates.

Writing one of the life updates

My story

A year ago I was living in New York City working at a tech startup as a software engineer. I walked into work one Wednesday in November and lost my job. I was panicked. In January, after some soul searching, I moved into my grandma’s extra bedroom in Los Angeles. I wanted to work on my own business and spend time with her. Two things that I figured I would never regret.

I started building apps. In May I started posting my life on Instagram and TikTok and my dad was diagnosed with leukemia in June and he died in November. I’ve continued to share my experiencing living with my grandma, navigating grief, and rebuilding my life.

Through this I’ve found an incredible community of people online and am grateful for the stories you’ve shared, the wisdom you’ve imparted, and the support you’ve given.

Subscribe to the marrow of life

Hello, I'm Grant :) I lost my dad, lost my job, and moved in with my grandma within a year. I am rebuilding my life and, despite the grief, I am excited. I write about that journey, in part, for others, but largely for myself.


I lost my dad, lost my job, and moved in with my grandma within a year. I feel fear and excitement, grief and gratitude, and so many other conflicting emotions. I share it all as best I can.