I'd also like to add that for a new mom, prioritizing rest + physical health is a MUST. It's extremely difficult to create from a sleep-deprived brain and an exhausted body. Slow and steady wins the race, and even 30 minutes of focused work a day will create incredible results in the long run.
Quick math: 30 min x 30 days = 900 minutes of having worked on your business a *month*. How amazing is that?!. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.
Oh my goodness, this is the 3rd time writing this comment after trying to sign up.
Anyway, what I had said was I love your answer about working on it for 30 minutes a day.
I'm trying to build a home based business myself, and want I realized after stressing myself out trying to do ALL to get it going, is that things don't necessarily happen FAST as we need them to.
My dreams of being able to be self-sustaining and having more time with my son as he grows up Might not happen until he's possibly out of the house!
But a
-well penciled out financial plan
-a fleshed out idea to begin making a roadmap for myself that I can work on daily.
-consIstent scheduled real work time every day
-committing to Never give up no matter how small the progress or the wins are will ULTIMATELY get me there! Maybe in a slightly longer time frame than I imagined, but it WILL HAPPEN.
That idea alone, that I will Never give up until it happens, is what motivates me. You just have to START
>want I realized after stressing myself out trying to do ALL to get it going, is that things don't necessarily happen FAST as we need them to.
This resonates so much with me hahaha. Almost nothing happens as fast as I want it to or think it should. I am always surprised at how little I can get done in a day, but it adds up!
Wisdom comes from a multitude of council, so I would suggest that this person seeks advice from her friends that are pro and con to her thoughts on what to do next and see how the averages play out. You’ll never know if you don’t try, read the biography of Thomas Edison, he tried until he got it right!
I am just now starting to write essays, I have loved writing since I was little, and it has been way more challenging than I thought to be kind to myself and go let myself be seen by the world and share my work. The path is not always perfect, but slowly you get there and with consistency you feel happier and you see results 🤍
I love that the word "courage" is used in this question; it's helpful to acknowledge that starting something new takes strength and perseverance. In moments of uncertainty and self-doubt, I find it useful to tap into all of the ways I've been courageous in the past. Losing your job? It takes courage to move forward. Caring for a tiny human? There are few things in life more courageous than being a parent. Reaching out for advice and asking questions? Vulnerability is courageous. We are often more courageous already than we may realize!
I think that ultimately, we must give ourselves grace, especially when it comes to setbacks or failures. These things often contribute to honing in and truly finding precisely what we desire from completing the goal. So, things like time constraints or emotional limitations can sometimes be disguises for what we truly need or want from the end product. If that makes any sense at all
Yeah, reading that back, I feel I could clarify a little more. I think what I'm getting at is that sometimes, the goal or end product doesn't always look exactly like we plan it. And so what I mean by constraints being disguises is just that they can encourage us to reimagine things in order to better serve us.
In life in general, we have an idea of what we want our day to day to look like or what our dream life looks like, but often, we're thrown curveballs that completely alter those ideals. But a lot of the time, these curveballs serve as lessons and opportunities to shift our focuses or priorities. So it's sort of like that concept. I've commented briefly before about my circumstances and how, even though it's painful, I think that I'm a better, more compassionate person because of them.
So, to connect those ideas, when it comes to motivating ourselves to start or restart or continue on with passion projects, I think that we have to remind ourselves that although the process might look different due to said setbacks, we (and the projects) are often better off for it.
I think the way I feel is difficult to articulate, especially via text, so I hope this helps. I think my problem sometimes is that I forget that nobody else is in my brain and has my context haha. Earlier I had a quite a bit typed out, and then decided to pare it down a little bit, but it seems I left out some important things lol
Thank you for adding more! I feel you on the difference between our idealized life and reality. That difference frustrated me a lot this year. I wanted to have time to myself, to work on things, read, etc. life kept throwing curve balls and it would make me frustrated and anxious. I try to shift my mindset that those curveballs _are_ life. It helps me to accept that although I don't always haha.
I also feel you on the point that those curveballs help us grow and can shift our ideal life. That resonates deeply and is a good way to describe my last year.
I'd also like to add that for a new mom, prioritizing rest + physical health is a MUST. It's extremely difficult to create from a sleep-deprived brain and an exhausted body. Slow and steady wins the race, and even 30 minutes of focused work a day will create incredible results in the long run.
Quick math: 30 min x 30 days = 900 minutes of having worked on your business a *month*. How amazing is that?!. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.
Oh my goodness, this is the 3rd time writing this comment after trying to sign up.
Anyway, what I had said was I love your answer about working on it for 30 minutes a day.
I'm trying to build a home based business myself, and want I realized after stressing myself out trying to do ALL to get it going, is that things don't necessarily happen FAST as we need them to.
My dreams of being able to be self-sustaining and having more time with my son as he grows up Might not happen until he's possibly out of the house!
But a
-well penciled out financial plan
-a fleshed out idea to begin making a roadmap for myself that I can work on daily.
-consIstent scheduled real work time every day
-committing to Never give up no matter how small the progress or the wins are will ULTIMATELY get me there! Maybe in a slightly longer time frame than I imagined, but it WILL HAPPEN.
That idea alone, that I will Never give up until it happens, is what motivates me. You just have to START
>want I realized after stressing myself out trying to do ALL to get it going, is that things don't necessarily happen FAST as we need them to.
This resonates so much with me hahaha. Almost nothing happens as fast as I want it to or think it should. I am always surprised at how little I can get done in a day, but it adds up!
Wisdom comes from a multitude of council, so I would suggest that this person seeks advice from her friends that are pro and con to her thoughts on what to do next and see how the averages play out. You’ll never know if you don’t try, read the biography of Thomas Edison, he tried until he got it right!
I am just now starting to write essays, I have loved writing since I was little, and it has been way more challenging than I thought to be kind to myself and go let myself be seen by the world and share my work. The path is not always perfect, but slowly you get there and with consistency you feel happier and you see results 🤍
Hi Salma! I find it so hard to write publicly. It's one of the reasons I wanted to start this Substack. I agree, one step at a time :)
I love that the word "courage" is used in this question; it's helpful to acknowledge that starting something new takes strength and perseverance. In moments of uncertainty and self-doubt, I find it useful to tap into all of the ways I've been courageous in the past. Losing your job? It takes courage to move forward. Caring for a tiny human? There are few things in life more courageous than being a parent. Reaching out for advice and asking questions? Vulnerability is courageous. We are often more courageous already than we may realize!
Hi Emily! I love this a lot. The counter examples always stand out more in my mind, but there are usually less of them when I really think about it :)
I think that ultimately, we must give ourselves grace, especially when it comes to setbacks or failures. These things often contribute to honing in and truly finding precisely what we desire from completing the goal. So, things like time constraints or emotional limitations can sometimes be disguises for what we truly need or want from the end product. If that makes any sense at all
I get the first part. It's a good reminder. Can you say more about those constraints being disguises?
Yeah, reading that back, I feel I could clarify a little more. I think what I'm getting at is that sometimes, the goal or end product doesn't always look exactly like we plan it. And so what I mean by constraints being disguises is just that they can encourage us to reimagine things in order to better serve us.
In life in general, we have an idea of what we want our day to day to look like or what our dream life looks like, but often, we're thrown curveballs that completely alter those ideals. But a lot of the time, these curveballs serve as lessons and opportunities to shift our focuses or priorities. So it's sort of like that concept. I've commented briefly before about my circumstances and how, even though it's painful, I think that I'm a better, more compassionate person because of them.
So, to connect those ideas, when it comes to motivating ourselves to start or restart or continue on with passion projects, I think that we have to remind ourselves that although the process might look different due to said setbacks, we (and the projects) are often better off for it.
I think the way I feel is difficult to articulate, especially via text, so I hope this helps. I think my problem sometimes is that I forget that nobody else is in my brain and has my context haha. Earlier I had a quite a bit typed out, and then decided to pare it down a little bit, but it seems I left out some important things lol
Thank you for adding more! I feel you on the difference between our idealized life and reality. That difference frustrated me a lot this year. I wanted to have time to myself, to work on things, read, etc. life kept throwing curve balls and it would make me frustrated and anxious. I try to shift my mindset that those curveballs _are_ life. It helps me to accept that although I don't always haha.
I also feel you on the point that those curveballs help us grow and can shift our ideal life. That resonates deeply and is a good way to describe my last year.
I appreciate you sharing!